Freedom Realty
The GBS "Mother & Daughter" Real Estate Team, Freedom RealtyPhone: +8476684936 (847) 668-5522
Email: [email protected]

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What Clients Are Saying
My husband and I were first time home buyers and we recently became parents.  We wanted a safe neighborhood to raise our son.  We wanted a home in which we could grow into and a big back yard for our son to play.  
We were excited to get started but we moved in faith during this process.  We prayed for an amazing team and we were immediately connected with Scherrie and Gwen.  We share with Scherrie and Gwen what we were looking for within a home and even the desired neighborhood we always wanted to live in.  Scherrie and Gwen started right away with sending us homes and helping during the entire process.
These ladies were amazing as they showed us every home, answered all of our questions, motivated us and even matched their faith with ours.
Both Scherrie and Gwen helped us find our home in the desired neighborhood that we wanted.  My husband and I became home owners in August of 2021!  
I highly recommend working with this amazing team!
Delmar & Andrea  Alexander 
Delmar & Andrea  Alexander - Family First Home

The GBS Team was a pleasure to work with! 

You can easily tell they have years of experience and 
was a big help every step of the way! They made finding a 
house a stress-free process!
Thank you both
May God continue to bless you and your family
Nevelyn Woodruff
Satisfied First Time Homebuyer!